BCA 1st year question paper 2 of patliputra university 2019

Paper : Second
(Degree Part-1) Vocational Examination
[Paper :Second]
[PPU-D-I(V)H-BCA -2]
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note: Answer any five questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.
  1. Choose the correct answer of the following:

    1. The Operating system of the computer can be viewed as :
      1. Resource Manager
      2. Interface between Hardware and Software
      3. For providing user interface
      4. All of the above.

    2. Spooling stands for :
      1. Self propelled online object list
      2. Self powered operation online
      3. Simultaneous peripheral operation on line
      4. None of the above

    3. Real Time System have :
      1. Critical Response time
      2. None-Critical Response Time
      3. Low Response Time
      4. Response time is not essential

    4. A Time-Slice refers to :
      1. Multiprogramming
      2. Time sharing
      3. Multitasking
      4. Spooling

    5. 'Bugs' in software to :
      1. Residual errors
      2. Incomplete code
      3. Data errors obtained at runtime
      4. All of the above

    6. Test Data file is needed in the :
      1. Data dictionary
      2. Data flow diagram
      3. Running of test cases
      4. None of the above

    7. ISS stands for :
      1. Information Sorting Service
      2. Interrupt Service Sorting
      3. Information Sorting Subroutine
      4. Interrupt Service Subroutine

    8. Additional records may be added to database by :
      1. REPLACE
      2. APPEND
      3. DISPLAY
      4. PACK

    9. A macro defines a :
      1. Closed subroutine
      2. Closed procedure
      3. Open subroutine
      4. open procedure

    10. By Indexing, we can organize a file :
      1. In order of more than one key field
      2. In order of a single key field
      3. Both of the above
      4. None of the above

  2. What do you understand by the term 'Interrupt'? Classify the different type of interrupts on the basis of their origin. How does the DOS environment handle interrupts?

  3. Write a short note on the UNIX operating system, its organization and main command categories.

  4. Differentiate between :
    1. Multiuser and Multitasking
    2. Process Scheduling and Process State
    3. User Manual and Operations Manual

  5. Discuss the three-level architecture of a Data base. Distinguish between DDL and DML, giving examples of each.

  6. What do you understand by File organization, File access mode ? Describe the sequential, Indexed and Relative file organization giving their relative advantages and disadvantages.

  7. Discuss the following categories of commands with syntax and example :
    1. Data display and monitoring commands
    2. File handling commands

  8. Describe the tools and facilities for report creation in FOXPRO.

    1. Explain QBE (Query by example) in FOXPRO.
    2. How can we create custom screens in FOXPRO?

  9. Write a command file (program) in FOXPRO to create a database of students with fields (Roll No., Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Course-code, Marks 1, Marks 2 ,Marks 3, Marks 4, Marks 5). The program should read each value for a field in a record, within a loop. If Roll No. =0, then print a tabular report of all the recordsentered so far, otherwise read the next record.

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