Important Question in Computer

Computer Fundamentals and PC Applications.

Review Question

  1. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in Electronic Data Processing system is called
  2. First generation computers are characterised by
  3. What was the computer conceived by Babbage?
  4. The unit of a computer system that executes program, communicates with and often controls the operation of other subsystem of the computer is known as
  5. The magnetic storage chips used to provide nonvolatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are known as
  6. Which American computer company is called Big Blue?
  7. Which chips are erasable by ultra-violet rays after removing them from the main circuit?
  8. A high speed device used in CPU for temporary storage during processing is called
  9. Who invented the microprocessor?
  10. CAD stands for
  11. The unit of speed used for super computer is
  12. A dumb terminal has
  13. The disadvantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is
  14. The following memories must be refreshed many times per second.............. .
  15. Which memory is nonvolatile and may be written only once?
  16. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured
  17. The range of numbers which can be stored in a eight register (with left bit for sign) is
  18. The first digital computer built with IC chips was known a
  19. First integrated circuit chip was developed by
  20. Which holds data and processing instructions temporarily until the CPU needs it?
  21. The Parity bit is added for ............... Purposes.
  22. Different components on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?
  23. The word size of a microprocessor refers to
  24. The primary memory of a personal computer consists of?

Answer :

  1. ASCII
  2. Vacuum tube and magnetic drum
  3. Analytical Engine
  4. CPU
  5. Magnetic bubble memory 
  6. IBM
  7. EPROM Chips
  8. A register
  9. Marcian E Huff
  10. Computer Aided Design
  11. GFLOPS
  12. A keyboard and screen 
  13. Need to refresh the capacitor charge every once in two milliseconds
  14. Dynamic RAM
  15. PROM
  16. ROM
  17. -128 to +128
  18. IBM System/360
  19. J.S. Kilby
  20. Main memory
  21. Error-detection
  22. Buses
  23. The amount of information that can be stored in a cycle 
  24. Both ROM and RAM

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