BCA 2nd year question paper 1 of magadh university 2010


       Time : 3hour 

      Full Marks : 75 

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far Practicable.

 The question  are of equal value. 

 Answer Five questions, selecting at least  two from each Group. 

              Group- A 

1. what is meant by Network-Topology ? Describe three commonly used Network – Topologies with their relative advantages and disadvantages. 

2.  (a) What is the major advantage of shielded twisted pair over unshielded twisted pair wise ?
     (b) Why is the major advantage of shielded twisted pair cables ? 

3. Explain the circuit switching. Explain time division switching. What are the  Functions of control signaling ? 

4. (a) What is e- mail? What are its Protocol ?        
    (b) What is the purpose of simplex mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ? 

5. What are the different types of basic logic gates ? Explain with the help of  Truth – tables and give an example of each gate. 
             Group – B 

6.  (a) Explain the four basic date types in C. What is the size in bytes of each type in DOS and UNIX Platform ? 
     (b) What is constant ? Explain the four basic types of constant in C ? 

7.  What are the condition control transfer statement in C ? Explain the  Difference between while and do while loops with respect to the minimum  Number of times the body of the loop is executed.  
8.  (a) What is the difference between scanf   ( ) and get ( ) with respect to data  input with embedded white space character ? 
     (b) How many variables can be accepted by one scanf statement ? 

9. What is a function ? How is it declared in C ?  What is meant by call by reference and call by value ? Explain recursive function and list its merits and demerits with examples. 

10. Write short notes on any three of the following :        
(a) Guided and Unguided media. 
(b) Serial and Parallel communication. 
(c) Internet and Intranet.
(d) Single and Multidimensional arrays. 
(e) Structure and Union. 


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