BCA 2nd year question paper 1 of magadh university 2013


      Time : 3 hours 

       Full Marks : 75 

Candidates are required to give their answers in their Own words as far as practicable. 

 The questions are of equal value. 

Answer any five questions selecting at least One from each group 

              Group- A 

1. What do you mean by data communication? What are the different types of transmission mode? Explain. 

2. What do you mean by guided and unguided media? Describe about the different types of unguided media? 

3. What do you mean by switching? What are the three fundamental switching method? Explain. 

4. (a) What is the purpose of domain name system? Discuss the three main  division of the domain name space. 

   (b) What do you mean by electronic-mail? What are its protocol? 

5. Write short notes on any three of the following : 
  (a) Satellite communication 
  (b) Bridge 
  (c) Serial and parallel communication 
  (d) Encode and Decoder 
  (e) Internet and intranet 

           Group- B 

6. (a) Who developed C language? What is the goal of structured    programming? 
   (b) Explain about the popular features of C language? 

7. (a) What are the different types of operators available in C? Mention the    operand types they work with? 
    (b) What is constant? Explain the four basic types of constant in C ? 

8. (a) What is the difference between scanf() and gets() with respect to data    input embedded white space character? 
    (b) Using printf, print a triangle of stars(*) like 

                      * * * 
                   * * * * * 

9. What are pointers? What is function of a pointer variable? What are its uses? 

10. Write short notes on any three of the following : 
 (a) Single and multi dimensional array 
 (b) The need and from of C function 
 (c) Union 
 (d) Pre- processor directive 
 (e) Switch statement 


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