BCA 2nd year question paper 2 of magadh university 2012


       B.C.A (2nd YEAR)

          Time : 3 hours

         Full Marks  :  75

Candidates are required to give their answers in their  own words as far as practicable.

The questions are of equal value.

Answer any five questions.

1. What is data structure ? Explain the different operations to be performed on data structure .

2. How do you implement a stack in "C" ? Write algorithms to perform push and pop operations on a stack.

3. What is circular queue ? What are its advantages ? Write thealgorithms for the insertion and deletion operations performed on the circular queue. 

4. Evaluate the following postfix expressions :

(i) ABC* + given A = 12.5, B=6.35, C=5.75 
(ii) AB?C* given A = 3, B = 2, C = 8 
(iii) AB + CD - * given A = 1 , B = 2, C = 3, D = 4

5. What are the different types of binary trees ? Discuss the array representation of a binary tree.

6. Explain the properties of a B-tree ? Write the algorithm for insertion in a B – tree.

7. Describe the complexity analysis of sequential searching. Write the algorithm to find the desired element in an array using sequential searching technique.

8. Describe the efficiency of Quick - sort algorithm. Write a quick sort algorithm to arrange a list of integers.

9. Explain the different representations of a graph data structure.

10.Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Abstract data type 
(b) Dequeue 
(c) Di –graph 
(d) Recursion 
(e) List


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